Créer votre Parental Responsibility Agreement

Ce modèle a été préparé par: Aklima Bibi, Aklima Bibi


Notes about the Parental Responsibility Agreement

Read these notes before you make the agreement

About the Parental Responsibility Agreement
The making of this agreement will affect the legal position of the mother and the father. You should both seek legal advice before you make the Agreement. You can obtain the name and address of a solicitor from the Children Panel  (020 7242 1222) or from

  • your local family proceedings court, or county court 
  • ​a Citizens Advice Bureau 
  • a Law Centre 
  • a local library.

You may be eligible for public funding.

When you fill in the Agreement
Please use black ink (the Agreement will be copied). Put the name of one child only. If the father is to have parental responsibility for more than one child, fill in a separate form for each child. Do not sign the Agreement

When you have filled in the Agreement
Take it to a local family proceedings court, or county court, or the Principal Registry of the Family Division  (the address is below).
A justice of the peace, a justices’ clerk, an assistant to a justices' clerk, or a court official who is authorised by the judge to administer oaths, will witness your signature and he or she will sign the certificate of the witness. A solicitor cannot witness your signature.

To the mother: When you make the declaration you will have to prove that you are the child’s mother so take to the court the child’s full birth certificate. You will also need evidence of your identity showing a photograph and signature (for example, a photocard, official pass or passport). Please note that the child's birth certificate cannot be accepted as sufficient proof of your identity.

To the father:  You will need evidence of your identity showing a photograph and signature  (for example, a photocard, official pass or passport).

When the Certificate has been signed and witnessed 
Make 2 copies of the Agreement form. You do not need to copy these notes. Take, or send, this form and the copies to The Principal Registry of the Family Division, First Avenue House, 42-49 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6NP.
The Registry will record the Agreement and keep this form. The copies will be stamped and sent back to each parent at the address on the Agreement. The Agreement will not take effect until it has been received and recorded at the Principal Registry of the Family Division.

Ending the Agreement
Once a parental responsibility agreement has been made it can only end 

  •  by an order of the court made on the application of any person who has parental responsibility for the child 
  • by an order of the court made on the application of the child with permission of the court 
  •  when the child reaches the age of 18








Parental responsibility agreement

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, gender
, date of birth
, date of 18th birthday
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the Mother
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the Father
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We declare that.
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we are the mother and father of the above child and we agree that the child’s
shall have parental responsibility for the child (in addition to the mother having parental responsibility).
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The following evidence of identity was produced by the person signing above:
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The following evidence of identity was produced by the person signing above:
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